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What to expect

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion work requires us to have challenging conversations or  experience some uncomfortable feelings. There may be some discomfort discussing topics such as race, inequity, prejudice, and bias. These are normal and understandable feelings, and as consultants we are ready to address any concerns you have. Progress can be messy, but we look forward to a positive outcome and a more welcoming, inclusive environment. Below, we have some answers to frequently asked questions about our approach and trainings/workshops.

  • What is the difference between a presentation and a facilitated training?
    A presentation presents information--usually through a slide deck--with the goal of providing information to participants. Presentations may also include activities that help create awareness of privledge and social identities. Facilitation provides the enviornment for individuals to evolve while at the training, and the tools to continue evolution
  • Why do you often require two facilitators?
    When working with both traditionally dominant group members and traditionally marginalized group members in a group larger than eight, we will typically require two facilitators. The best group outcomes are a result of how far facilitators take participants into the work. While one facilitator navigates a particular discussion, the second facilitator studyies body language and takes notes about what is being said. The two facilitators check in with each often and determine whether to push forward, pull back, or change directions. This process is invaluable to executing truly transformational sessions.

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